IFAT Munich 2024 Retrospective: Innovative Trenchless Integrated Solutions

Trenchless technologies are revolutionising the way we build and maintain underground infrastructure. FS Technologies and Management provides complex engineering management, efficiently combining materials, equipment and services for maximum benefit.

Our integrated approach, supported by strong partnerships and a particular focus on sustainability, leverages our collective expertise to deliver superior solutions. This type of collaboration meets the evolving needs of communities, beneficiaries and construction companies.

The Alliance for Innovative Integrated Trenchless Solutions

Guided by shared values and a dedication to excellence, our alliance opens a new phase in the field of infrastructure rehabilitation and regeneration. We support sustainability, efficiency and innovation to create a better future for generations to come.

  • Superior project results: One responsibility reduces delays and cost overruns.
  • Increased efficiency: Seamless integration reduces time and coordination effort.
  • Customised solutions: Customised materials and services improve performance.
  • Lower risk: Performance guarantees and shared risk provide certainty.
  • Comprehensive technical support and training ensures long-term success.

IFAT 2024 was the most important global event for environmental technologies, held in Munich, Germany from 13-17 May 2024. This event was a highlight for professionals from the water, wastewater, waste and raw materials sectors. Serving as a hub for presentations and innovations, IFAT was instrumental in shaping the discourse and advancements in environmental management.

Here we had the pleasure of meeting numerous specialists and collaborators who share our commitment to innovation in water infrastructure. These interactions allowed us to exchange information and ideas on the latest in trenchless technologies and infrastructure management methods. From industry veterans to young professionals, each meeting provided valuable insights that reinforced our commitment to collaboration.

Privire retrospectivă IFAT München 2024 | Alianta pentru Solutii Integrate Inovatoare Trenchless %%sep%% %%sitename%%

Welcoming Apa Nova Bucharest

We were delighted to host the Apa Nova Bucharest delegation at our partners’ stands. The company’s focus on operational excellence and sustainability, supported by Veolia’s global expertise, is to be appreciated. With investments of over 500 million euros, Apa Nova’s priority is innovation in water management.

IFAT Munich 2024 Retrospective | Trenchless

Welcoming Apa Vital Iasi

Together with our partners and delegates from ApaVital, the water operator in Iasi, Romania, we discussed the latest technologies and concrete solutions for ongoing projects.

Welcoming Raja Constanta

At IFAT 2024, we met again with RAJA Constanța, Romania’s largest regional public operator for drinking water supply and wastewater treatment. Serving over three million people across multiple counties, RAJA is a key player in water management.

RAJA stands out for its reliance on groundwater and its operation of 21 wastewater treatment plants. Our discussions focused on leveraging trenchless technologies to enhance their infrastructure.

Welcoming ARA (Asociatia Romana a Apei)

We were delighted to welcome representatives of the Romanian Water Association to our partner stands at IFAT Munich 2024. Engaging in interesting discussions with specialists in the field allowed us to exchange valuable information and ideas in order to develop together effective solutions for current projects.

IFAT Munich 2024 Retrospective | Trenchless

Welcoming DIMEX 2000

At IFAT, we were honoured to host Dimex 2000. With state-of-the-art equipment and a commitment to quality, the services offered by this company adhere to international and Romanian technical standards. With a strong focus on innovation and professionalism, Dimex 2000 is a trusted partner in the trenchless industry.

  • Sustainable urban infrastructure: Minimizing disruption to communities, traffic and green spaces through innovative trenchless technologies.
  • Rehabilitating and renewing pipelines, increasing capacity of old pipelines: Supporting urban development through innovative trenchless solutions.
  • Advanced inspection techniques: Efficient identification of problems in drinking water pipes and sewers.
  • Zero Water Loss Technologies: Protecting the vital resource – WATER.


The great interest shown by Romanian specialists and companies for innovative technologies, especially for trenchless solutions, at IFAT Munich 2024, highlights the growing recognition of the importance of sustainable and efficient infrastructure development. This interest reflects a wider trend towards the adoption of advanced solutions that not only minimise environmental impact but also reduce costs and speed of execution, improving project outcomes. This is an important moment in Romania’s infrastructure sector, when stakeholders are increasingly embracing innovation to meet the challenges

How can I get more information about implementing trenchless technologies in a project?

For more information about implementing trenchless technologies in your project, you can contact our team of specialists directly. They will provide you with detailed advice and tailor-made solutions for your specific needs. Feel free to contact us with any questions or to set up a discussion to explore how our technology can improve your project in a sustainable and efficient way. Contact: office@fs-tech.ro

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