Trenchless solutions for a sustainable future

Parteneriat FS-Technologies: Viitor Sustenabil Trenchless

Romania’s infrastructure is in a critical state, facing numerous challenges that require urgent and innovative solutions. Decades of neglect and under-investment have left much of the country’s infrastructure in a state of disrepair, with roads, water networks and utilities in urgent need of rehabilitation. The consequence? Lengthy construction projects that crowd cities, creating chaos and discomfort and disrupting the daily lives of residents.

As Romania undertakes to align its infrastructure with European standards, the need for innovative approaches is becoming increasingly evident. Against this backdrop of urgency and complexity, the collaboration between FS Technologies & Management, TRACTO-TECHNIK and SIMONA AG emerges as a necessity, offering seamless solutions that promise to revolutionise the way infrastructure is built and maintained. In the dynamic world of construction and infrastructure development, Interdisciplinary collaboration generates innovation. The partnership between FS Technologies, Simona AG and Tracto Technik exemplifies this spirit, combining expertise, innovation and a continuous drive for excellence.


Parteneriat FS-Technologies: Viitor Sustenabil Trenchless
Parteneriat FS-Technologies: Viitor Sustenabil Trenchless

One of the leading manufacturers and development partners in the field of thermoplastic products, Simona operates globally, providing technical solutions for various industries and infrastructure projects. Focusing on customer-centric applications in sectors such as chemical processes, semiconductor industries, water treatment, construction, mobility, Simona offers a wide range of high quality products tailored to meet almost any requirement. Commitment to customer benefits and continuous improvement ensures they remain at the forefront of thermoplastic solutions, aiming to become the top choice for customers in all applications.

SIMONA piping systems are flexible, durable and functional solutions. Lightweight and simple to install, with reliable connections, they prevent leaks and spills. Addressing common problems such as root growth and corrosion, SIMONA® systems offer long-term durability and cost-effective operation. With special properties such as lightweight construction, high flexibility and resistance to corrosion and abrasion, SIMONA® piping systems ensure efficient and low-maintenance operation, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and repairs.


TRACTO stands out for its outstanding innovations that have redefined the way projects are executed. From the introduction of GRUNDOMAT in the 1960s to the pioneering of controlled horizontal directional drilling in the 1970s, TRACTO has consistently been a leader in trenchless technology. These innovations have not only made construction projects more efficient, but have also contributed to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach.

Setting new sustainability standards
In addition to technological advances, TRACTO is committed to the principles of sustainability. By promoting trenchless technology as a greener alternative to traditional construction methods, TRACTO is driving positive change in the industry. Their efforts to minimize environmental impact, reduce waste and protect natural resources demonstrate their commitment to responsible construction practices. As the demand for sustainable solutions grows, TRACTO’s innovative technology is poised to meet the challenges of tomorrow, ensuring a greener approach to construction projects around the world.

Parteneriat FS-Technologies: Viitor Sustenabil Trenchless
Parteneriat FS-Technologies: Viitor Sustenabil Trenchless


FS Technologies & Management specialises in the integration of comprehensive diagnostic, expert, design and execution services in the rehabilitation of concrete and masonry structures and corrosion protection of steel structures. With experience in completing complex industrial projects, FS Technologies brings efficiency, durability and cost effectiveness to the forefront. Our expertise in shortening lead times, maximizing operational life and minimizing maintenance costs ensures success even in challenging working conditions. Working closely with traditional partners such as builders, designers, suppliers and consultants, FS Technologies guarantees integrated, efficient and effective services, backed by over 30 years of industry experience.

The Power of Collaboration: FS Technologies Partnership – Trenchless Sustainable Future

FS Technologies, Simona and Tracto together form a powerful alliance poised to revolutionise the construction and infrastructure landscape. With FS Technologies bringing expertise and efficiency, Simona providing high-quality thermoplastic solutions, and Tracto being a pioneer of trenchless technology, the collaboration promises sustainable, efficient and resilient infrastructure solutions. We are at the forefront of a new phase in construction, where sustainability, efficiency and innovation converge to create a better future for generations to come. Guided by our shared values and our dedication to excellence, we are leading the way to a world where building is not just about structures, but about building a lasting legacy for the whole planet and all who call it home.

Imagesi: FS Technologies and Management, Tracto Technik, Simona AG.

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